Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Tiny Blue Find

Rural town flea markets are often the perfect haven for unique treasures, and finding such treasures just so happens to be a favorite hobby of my family's (for us ladies, that is).

As I mosied through a particular small town flea market on the last day of 2008, a tiny treasure caught my eye.

The miniature teacup and saucer has tiny blue etches in a uniquely detailed pattern.

I thought it was more than worth the 50 cents I paid for it!


  1. Oh, Ju-Ju, I love your blog!! I can't wait to come back and visit often!! :)

    The Mini tea-cup is cute also!

  2. The tiny tea cup and saucer are just adorable... and so perfect for your collection of dishes!!

    Keep up the blogging... it's such a fun way to keep in touch. Love you, Kristy
